
       柔性电子器件在生物医学、可持续能源、人机互动和儿童玩具方面具有广阔的应用前景。纸张具有可折叠、可定制、可降解、轻质便携等特点,是制备柔性电子产品的理想基材。近日,南京工业大学、兰州大学及中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院联合报道了一种由Ti3C2TX MXene沉淀物制成的粘性和无添加剂的墨水,通过简单的圆珠笔绘画来制备的一次性纸质电子产品。绘制的纸质传感器具有交织的纳米片、纳米片和纳米颗粒的分层微结构,与基于单层/少层MXene 纳米片的传感器相比,表现出更优越的机械感应性能。作为此概念应用的证明,采用基于MXene的纸质传感器模拟进行了几种流行的儿童游戏,包括“你说我猜”、“情绪表达”、“石头剪刀布”、“掰手腕”、“投掷游戏”、“胡萝卜蹲”和“抢杯子”,并为一只卡通老鼠设计了智能胡须。简单明了的器件制作方法让儿童可以轻松地DIY设计电子玩具,并通过玩游戏让儿童发现电子科学的奥秘。此外,基于MXene 的纸质传感器可以直接燃烧,不会产生任何电子垃圾,大大降低了对环境的污染。相关研究以“Ti3C2TX MXene Ink Direct Writing Flexible Sensors for Disposable Paper Toys”为题发表在Small期刊上(https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202301884)。

Figure 1. (a) Demonstrations of paper sensors as electronic toys for children’s games. (b) “You say, I guess” by using a paper sensor for laryngeal muscle movement monitoring. (c) “Emotional expression” by using a paper sensor for facial recognition. (d) “Rock-Paper-Scissors” by using the paper sensors to distinguish the hand gestures. (e) “Arm wrestling” by using a paper sensor to identify the wrist bending. (f) “Throwing game” by using a paper sensor to monitor the elbow movement. (g) “Carrot squat” by using a paper sensor to monitor the knee movement.

Figure 2. (a) Applications of diverse DIY electronic toys. (b) A DIY smart cup by drawing the sensor on the cup surface. (c) A DIY Morse code encoder based on the paper sensor. (d) Music recognition by attaching a paper sensor on a loud speaker to detect the frequency and strength of vibration during playing a song. (e) A DIY electronic whisker mounted on the mouth of to a cartoon mouse to measure the gate width when passing through.